SynBio Canada

Industry Profiles

Industry Profiles

Kevin Chen/Hyasynth


CEO and Co-Founder, Hyasynth

Bio: We make strains of yeast that produce cannabinoids. The cannabinoids are a collection of over 100 different compounds, of which the two most popular are THC and CBD. They present an immense market opportunity that is at an intersection of nutritional, pharmaceutical and recreational use products.

The industry is developing and growing rapidly as legislation and consumer perspective shifts, and as more research points towards the health benefits of cannabinoids. To make these, and the other variations of cannabinoids, we've built our platform that is adaptable, efficient and scalable because it is based on engineered yeast. We grow yeast in fermenters, feeding just sugar and water, over the course of few days, after which we extract and purify the end product.


Twitter: @hyasynthbio